Dry Scalp: Causes and Home Remedies | Sellerspree.com
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A dry scalp usually occurs due to the loss of water and moisture on the skin of your head. If you have a dry scalp, you will experience intense itching and flaking. The scalp’s skin will get irritated and flake off. A dry scalp can appear due to the use of inappropriate haircare products, extreme weather conditions, aging, and some serious dermal problems. Persistent itchiness accompanied by soreness, dandruff, and hair loss are commonly found symptoms in most individuals with dry scalp. Washing hair frequently and not consuming enough water also will be a cause of dry scalp.

It is uncomfortable to live with a dry scalp but it can be cured easily. Most of the dry scalp problems will be cured by changing the hair care products you use. There are several home remedies available to cure dry scalp. If you feel home remedies do not provide better results, you need to consult a dermatologist to rule out underlying health conditions.

It is recommended to take treatment if you are experiencing hair loss along with blisters or sores. Skin problems that cause dry skin include:

Dermatitis: also known as eczema, eczema can cause severe dry scalp. Keeping your scalp moisturized is the best treatment to overcome dry scalp. Dandruff shampoos, and medications such as antihistamines, corticosteroids, emollients, etc. are best.

Dandruff: it is another main cause of dry scalp. Using dandruff shampoos is best to cure this problem. The method of use of each shampoo differs, so read the instructions and follow them carefully to get better results. Ketoconazole and pyrithione zinc are the common over-the-counter medications prescribed for dandruff.

Other causes: Other causes of dry scalp include dehydration, exposure to cold weather, heat from central heating, and hair care products containing harsh chemicals. Your dermatologist will decide on the treatment based on the severity of the dryness.

Home remedies to overcome dry scalp include:

Coconut Oil:

it has antifungal and antibacterial properties to cure most skin-related problems. Coconut oil helps to moisturize your scalp and eliminate the chances of infections.

Tea Tree Oil:

This oil is well-known for its antifungal, and antiseptic properties. It can provide relief from dry scalp.

Apple Cider Vinegar:

It is good for eliminating bacteria and fungi that cause itching. The anti-inflammatory properties of apple cider vinegar help to cure dry scalp.

Aloe Vera:

It has anti-inflammatory properties that are effective in reducing skin irritation. It is a well-known natural moisturizing agent.

Witch Hazel:

It has been used in herbal medicines since the olden days. Witch hazel is effective in reducing inflammation and soothing your scalp.


They can moisturize the scalp and are effective for the treatment of dry scalp and dandruff.

Olive Oil:

Its antifungal and antibacterial properties are effective in treating dandruff and dry scalp.


A dry scalp is an uncomfortable condition that affects your daily life. It is recommended to use home remedies when you experience the symptoms of a dry scalp. If it is not getting better even after 2 weeks, you need to take advice from a healthcare professional.

TAGS: SellerSpree, DryScalp, DryScalpCauses, DryScalpHomeRemedies, Beauty Products, Buy Professional Hair Color, Beauty Supplies, Salon Supplies, Barber, Cosmetologist Supplies, Cosmetics, Hairspray, Hair and Tape in extensions, Dry shampoo and Conditioner, Permanent Dye with Developer, Semi Permanent Dye with Developer, Creams, Moisturizer, Serum

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