Solutions For Hair Thinning |
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The hair count on the scalp of a healthy individual will be around 100,000. Usually, most people lose around 100 hairs a day, even more for some others. Hair thinning will occur normally based on your age. Androgenetic alopecia is one of the most common hair loss causes both for men and women around the globe. Androgenetic alopecia is termed as male pattern baldness in men and female pattern hair loss (FPHL) in women. Research so far has not been successful in finding the actual cause of male-pattern baldness and female-pattern hair loss (FPHL). Scientists concluded that the reason for Androgenetic alopecia is because of genetics and hormone changes. The male sex hormone Androgen controls the hair growth in both males and females. Too much of androgens may slow down the hair growth and cause short and thin hair.

Apart from genetic factors, stress, deficiency of nutrition, and several other health conditions lead to hair thinning. Treatment for hair thinning will be based on its cause and includes over-the-counter medicines, changes in diet, etc. Proper medical treatment always helps to manage hair loss due to aging by improving hair health, thickness, and strength. Hair thinning occurs due to health conditions often regrow over time.

Solutions To Address Hair Thinning Include:

1. Reduce Stress:

Emotional and physical stability may affect hair growth, so it is important to reduce stress. The common hair loss that occurs due to emotional and physical stress is Telogen effluvium. You can reduce emotional stress by doing things you enjoy such as listening to your favorite music, reading books, and chit chat with your friends, etc. Making sure you get enough sleep, have a positive outlook on things that cause stress, stay physically active, and practice relaxation techniques like meditation, yoga, etc. will help you to reduce stress.

2. Improve Your Diet:

Lack of nutrients in your diet always leads to hair loss. For instance, hair loss is most common in those with iron deficiency. Include cereals fortified with iron, dried beans, eggs, oysters, tuna, whole grains, dried fruits, etc. in your diet to tackle iron deficiency. Also, the deficiency of proteins in your diet leads to hair loss. Include protein-rich food in your diet including leafy vegetables, beans, meat, fish, etc. Low-fat dairy products are a rich source of essential proteins for hair growth.

3. Consider Supplements:

It is better to consider folic acid and biotin supplements that are designed to boost hair growth. You can use multivitamins to boost hair growth.

4. Essential Oils:

Studies proved that essential oils can boost hair growth, Massaging your head using pumpkin seed oil, rosemary oil, or tea tree oil will be beneficial to boost hair growth.

5. Limit Hair Colors and Belach:

Coloring hair more often may result in hair loss. It is advised to stay away from beaching your hair as it uses a lot of peroxide that damages your hair.

6. Avoid Excessive Heat Styling:

Limit the use of heat styling tools like blow dryers, straighteners, etc.. as it damage your hair and boosts hair loss.

7. Treat Dandruff:

Make sure you take proper treatment for dandruff as it will boost hair loss. Dandruff will not cause direct hair loss, but dandruff causes itching of the scalp that worsens hair loss

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