What is a hair toner and how long does it last? | Sellerspree
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Hair toner is usually used on hair after a strong chemical bleach to enhance the tone of your hair. Hair toner helps you to get rid of the brassy look of hair after the lightening process. It is more suitable for those with light hair because it doesn’t offer a lift or permanently change the color of your hair. It helps you to achieve your desired hair color in the comfort of your own home without going to a professional stylist. Toner neutralizes warm undertones that make your hair look ugly. Hair toners are available in the market in different forms such as gel, liquid, or in the form of semi-permanent hair colors.

How to tone your hair?

It is recommended to go for a professional stylist’s assistance when you need to make any major hair color or style change. Hair toners deliver relatively temporary color results that last between 4 to 6 weeks. Visiting a stylist every time for toning is not practical for those who are in a busy schedule.

Hair toner has to be applied to completely dry hair. So, make sure you wash your hair properly and towel dry it well before the application. You need to concentrate on the areas that need more color correction first. Otherwise, you can apply it directly to the central part of the hair strands before moving to the roots and tips of the hair. A strand test is recommended, if you are toning your hair for the first time. The result of the strand test varies depending on the porosity of the hair in each person. The processing time for toning is usually between 5 to 20 minutes depending on the brand of toner you choose. After the processing time, you have to wash a small portion of the hair to make sure you achieve the desired color results.

When do you need to use hair toner?

Hair toner can be used at any stage of the coloring cycle. However, it is recommended to use toners after every chemical bleach to neutralize unwanted warm undertones.

What are the different types of toners?

There are there types of hair toners available including permanent toner, semi-permanent toner, and purple and blue toner. Similar to permanent hair colors, the permanent hair toner penetrates deep into the hair and delivers lasting color results. You need to get a stylist’s assistance to do this type of hair toning. Semi-permanent toner will deliver color results that last for several washes. This type of toner can be applied at your home. Purple toner works well on yellow tones while blue toner is best for orange tones.


Hair toner is vital and a must inclusion in your haircare regime. It helps you to achieve your desired color results in the comfort of your home without any commitment. It is important to know the types of hair toners, their functions, application methods, and longevity for choosing the right hair toner that delivers vibrant color results.

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