Global Seller Privacy Notice and Policy

Introduction and Overview

Data protection and privacy practices are essential to SellerSpree’s business. Please read this Privacy Notice carefully to understand how we will use your personal data.

This Privacy Notice governs how and its affiliates (collectively, “SellerSpree” or “we”) collect information related to identified or identifiable natural persons (“Personal Information”) of employees, legal representatives, contractors, agents, officers, directors, or shareholders of companies (“Sellers,” “Sellers’ Representatives” or “you”) who access, use, offer goods for sale on, or otherwise participates or conducts activities on, SellerSpree’s marketplace (the “Marketplace” or the “Marketplace Services”). Access, use, and participation on the Marketplace is subject to the SellerSpree Marketplace Services Agreement (“Agreement”). Any capitalized terms not defined within this Privacy Notice have the same meaning as in the Agreement.

The definitive version of this Privacy Notice is provided in English. It is translated into other languages solely for convenience. Where the translated and English versions conflict, the English version shall control.

SellerSpree may change this Privacy Notice occasionally to reflect changes in how we process Personal Information. Generally, SellerSpree reserves the right to modify this Privacy Notice without notice to Sellers by GSP unless required by the applicable laws or regulations. Your continued use of the Marketplace Services after the effective date of this Privacy Notice in accordance with this Section will constitute your acceptance of that change. You agree to stop using the Marketplace Services if any change is unacceptable. SellerSpree will provide notice and may (where required) ask again for consent to this Privacy Notice before implementing any changes that materially affect or alter how we process your Personal Information.

When You use the marketplace on behalf of a seller, you consent to the collection and use of personal information as set below unless such processing is required for SellerSpree to fulfill its legal obligations relating to the agreement or there is another applicable legal basis.

When you use the Marketplace on Seller’s behalf, we collect the following categories of Personal Information from you:

Marketplace account creation and provision of the Marketplace Services Seller or Seller’s Representative information includes company name, company type, job title / representative authority, address, postal code, phone number, email address, and contact person identity to register as a Seller with the Marketplace and use the Marketplace Services.

Order fulfillment and payment processing

The seller or Seller’s Representative's identity and contact information, such as name, phone number, and address, as well as financial institution account information for delivery, returns, refunds, sales tax determinations, and payment processing.

Location data at an IP address-based level, network type, network operator information, network connection status, and location information to tailor your experience in displaying the appropriate local website, language, or user experience.

Seller Support

Seller support-related communication history with us via various channels, such as email and phone, to respond to Seller’s requests and update you about your account and the Marketplace.

Provide the seller or Seller’s representative with contact information to provide the Seller with information, content, event invitations, and other resources to support their best use of the Marketplace.

Marketplace enhancements

Seller’s or Seller’s Representative device-level information and Marketplace usage data may be collected for performance analysis, troubleshooting, debugging, security monitoring, and system maintenance, as well as setting default options, such as language;

Fraud detection and risk control

SellerSpree may collect Personal Information submitted by you or automatically through this website (“Site”) or the Marketplace Services (collectively, the "Services”), such as browser type, device information, operating system and account setting information for fraud prevention and detection and credit risk reduction;

SellerSpree will also collect log-in data for information security, risk control, and fraud reporting.

If you reside outside the continental US, SellerSpree may collect the Seller’s store address, including a valid proof of address and invoices for the utilities and other services rendered to your store.

Suppose you reside outside of the continental US. In that case, SellerSpree may collect the photography of you holding your ID card in the Seller’s warehouse or store or verify your identification against your ID card through a live video, under which SellerSpree does not store the video footage.

Legal obligations include reducing money laundering risks, terrorist financing, and violating trade sanctions.

SellerSpree processes certain Personal Information necessary for compliance with legal obligations to which it or its affiliates are subject. Such Personal Information may include transaction history, your name, address, phone number, email address, nationality, taxpayer identifier, government-issued ID, Tax ID, and your financial institution account information.

If you submit other Seller’s Representative’s Personal Information on their behalf to us, you shall present this Privacy Notice to those Seller’s Representatives and obtain all necessary consents from them.

Residents of the People’s Republic of China (“China”), there may be instances in which the Personal Information you provide or that we collect is considered sensitive personal information under the applicable laws (e.g., bank account details, transaction history, and certain identity information). We only process sensitive personal information if and to the extent permitted or required by applicable laws, including after obtaining individuals’ separate consent if required.

We will seek to rigorously protect such information using the security measures required by applicable laws. Sensitive personal data should not be processed in a way that negatively impacts personal rights, such as harm to an individual’s reputation, physical or mental health, or personal or property security.

Our services are not directed to, and we do not knowingly collect Personal Information from, children under 18 or minors (as defined by applicable national laws). Suppose a minor has provided us with Personal Information without parental or guardian consent. In that case, the parent or guardian should contact us immediately to remove the relevant Personal Information and de-register the minor.

If we learn that a minor has provided us with Personal Information, we will delete it promptly. As described further in our Agreement, please do not upload photographs showing other people, particularly minors.

We may disclose and share your Personal Information with the parties as described below:

  • Internal SellerSpree Sharing. SellerSpree is part of a broader group of companies called the “SellerSpree.” SellerSpree may share your Personal Information with other members of SellerSpree to conclude or fulfill contracts and other legitimate interests to fulfill lawful agreements.
  • Legal and Regulatory Compliance. SellerSpree may share or disclose Personal Information to meet or comply with its legal and regulatory obligations and valid, enforceable legal requests.
  • Consent. SellerSpree may share or disclose Personal Information collected from you for other reasons not set out in this Privacy Notice with your separate consent.
  • Service Providers. SellerSpree may share your Personal Information collected with third-party service providers who provide logistics services, fraud prevention and risk control services, or legal compliance services. We strive to ensure that our third-party service providers can only use the Personal Information collected from Sellers for the purposes for which it was provided to them and the extent necessary for such purposes, in accordance with our written instructions.
  • Payment Service Providers. SellerSpree may share your Personal Information with third-party payment service providers who provide payment processing and remittance services to you in accordance with the agreement between you and them. Independently from SellerSpree, the third-party payment services providers are the controllers of such Personal Information and are responsible for any processing they perform after we have shared such Personal Information with them per the applicable laws and their privacy policy.
  • Buyers on the Marketplace. Where required by applicable laws or regulations, SellerSpree may share Seller’s information, including name, business address, and business email address, with buyers on the Marketplace for compliance with the legal obligations.
  • Corporate Transactions. In the event of a merger, acquisition, or reorganization, SellerSpree may share Personal Information collected from Sellers with the acquiring or surviving entity. We will notify the relevant individuals of the name and contact information of the recipient of the transferred Personal Information.

SellerSpree may transfer your Personal Information outside your country of residency, including to the United States, European Union member states, Singapore, and/or China. Such transfers are made pursuant to appropriate safeguards as permitted under applicable law and standards, including legally binding data-sharing agreements amongst and between SellerSpree affiliates, and they are performed to provide and facilitate the Marketplace. We rely on appropriate safeguards under applicable data protection laws such as Standard Contractual Clauses and/or perform such transfers in compliance with recognized statutory derogations or exceptions. Suppose you do not want the Personal Information you submit to be transferred to, processed, or maintained outside of your country of residency. In that case, you should immediately stop accessing or using the Services. For further details about these transfers and the safeguards we use to facilitate such transfers, please get in touch with us using our contact information below. If you reside in China, you may request more detailed information on those organizations to whom Personal Information may be shared, including contact information, processing purposes, processing methods, and types of Personal Information, by contacting us in accordance with our contact information below.

We maintain industry-standard physical, technical, and administrative measures to prevent unauthorized access to, use, or disclosure of your information.

The Internet is not an absolutely secure environment. We strongly recommend that you use a safe method and a complex password to help us ensure the security of your account. We also strongly advise that you neither share your password with others nor re-use passwords on our Services that you use on other sites or apps, as doing so increases the likelihood of your being the victim of a credential stuffing attack or other malicious cyber behavior. If you feel that the security of your account or personal data has been compromised, please immediately contact us.

You may exercise certain individual rights over your Personal Information based on applicable laws. To exercise individual rights, please get in touch with us.

SellerSpree is committed to safeguarding Personal information and to respecting individual data rights in accordance with this Privacy Notice and as set forth below:

Access, Rectification, and Portability of Personal Information. Pursuant to applicable data protection laws, you may have the right to correct or update your Personal Information, object to processing your Personal Information, ask us to restrict the processing of your Personal Information, or request the portability of your Personal Information. To protect the privacy and the security of your Personal Information, we may request data from you to enable us to confirm your identity and your right to access such data, as well as to search for and provide you with the personal data we maintain upon your request. There are instances where applicable laws or regulatory requirements allow or require SellerSpree to refuse to provide or delete some or all of the personal information that SellerSpree maintains.

Withdrawal of Consent. You can contact SellerSpree to withdraw your consent to the processing under this Privacy Notice. Withdrawal of consent may limit your ability to use the Services.

Data Deletion Requests. If you withdraw your consent to the processing under this Privacy Notice by providing written notice to us, you may request the deletion of your Personal Information. Individuals may similarly request deletion of Personal Information if they believe (a) the purposes of collection of such data have been fully met or cannot be met, or such information is no longer necessary for achieving the purposes of processing; (b) SellerSpree stops supporting or providing the Marketplace; or (c) SellerSpree’s processing deemed to violate applicable laws or regulations. Please note that notwithstanding any data deletion rights exercised per this section, SellerSpree may be obliged by its legal obligations to retain specific data about you. Any personal information retained will continue to be protected in accordance with this Privacy Notice.

If you reside in China, you have the following additional right in relation to the Personal Information that SellerSpree processes under this Privacy Notice:

Right to request explanation. You can request that we explain our processing rules for personal information.

To ensure security, SellerSpree will process any request within the required timeframe after verifying an individual’s identity.

With respect to your Personal Information processed by the third-party payment service provider as outlined in Section 5, to exercise your rights under the applicable laws, you may contact them directly or may submit your request to SellerSpree, who will forward the requests to the third-party payment service provider, provided, however, that SellerSpree will not be responsible for the third-party payment service provider’s acts or non-acts in response to your request to them.

SellerSpree retains your Personal Information only for as long as necessary to satisfy the purpose for which it was collected. For instance, if SellerSpree collects your contact information concerning Seller’s use of the Marketplace, SellerSpree will retain that information if you remain a point of contact.

Our Site and other platforms may contain links to third-party sites. This Privacy Notice does not apply to those third-party sites. We recommend that you read the privacy notices of any other sites you visit, as we are not responsible for their privacy practices.

Our Privacy Office can be contacted via email at or our postal address below in writing:

5701 Spring Grove Dr.
Solon OH 44139